Barry Barlow
CEO and Founder

Barry Barlow founded Barry Barlow and Associates following his retirement from Peraton in May 2022. With more than 45 years of government, commercial and academic experience, Barry has a range of expertise in the defense and space industry. He was involved in the space shuttle program during its inception in the 1970s, critical national security programs in the U.S. and abroad in the 1980s and the first commercial satellite imaging company in the 1990s.
At Peraton, Barry served as the Senior Vice-President for Mergers and Acquisition Integration following their acquisition of Perspecta. He also served as Peraton’s interim chief information officer. During his tenure at Perspecta, he was Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff, where he provided oversight and guidance to projects of high importance and led Perspecta’s long-term technology strategy and vision. Barry previously served as Vencore’s Chief Technology Officer, where he led the planning and execution for their Research and Development projects.
During his federal career, Barry established the Online GEOINT Services directorate at the National Geospatial–Intelligence Agency (NGA). Prior positions included the Director of Acquisition, as well as NGA’s Chief Architect and Chief Engineer. Barry was honored with multiple awards during his tenure, including the Presidential Rank Award as a Distinguished Senior Executive from President Obama, Presidential Rank Award as a Meritorious Senior Executive from President Bush, Department of Defense (DOD) Distinguished Civilian Service Award from Secretary Gates, National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal from DNI Clapper, the NGA Medallion for Excellence from Director Long, and DOD and NGA Meritorious Unit Citations. In December 2012, a flag was flown in his honor over the International Security Assistance Force’s headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, commemorating his distinguished service in Operation Enduring Freedom.
In 2017, Barry was selected to receive the Federal 100 award, as well as the Wash 100 award in 2020 recognizing government and industry leaders who have played pivotal roles in the federal government IT community. In 2021, he was also inducted into the GEOINT Hall of Fame at NGA, recognizing the significant contributions he made to that organization as both a federal employee and industry leader.
He is currently a trustee and Sunday school teacher at Battlefield Baptist Church outside Warrenton, Virginia where he resides with his wife.